Tuesday, April 1, 2008


this is me a few weeks ago...
about to leave to shoot my aids story.
optimistic and fresh; feeling a little copaken kogan
excited for a worthwhile story about an hiv positive young man named jonathan.

this is jonathan's room.
he lives in the basement of a hospice house in adam's morgan called joseph's house
they take in terminally ill people with no other options of care.

my work, along with my class's, is now hung and ready to show.
my small class has attempted to tackle a global issue in a local context.
[through audio, video, text, and of course photography]

it's important.
attention worthy.
it's an awakening documented.
a contemplation begging to be explored.


living with hiv/aids in washington, d.c.
2nd year photojournalism show

thursday, april 10th [5:30-8 pm]
corcoran college of art + design. [white halls gallery]
free and open to the public
light refreshments will be served.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.