Wednesday, November 4, 2009

currency// exchange


Corcoran Gallery of Art - Gallery 31
Thursday, November 12th.
6- 8 p.m.

Currency / Exchange showcases work made by Corcoran photography students in El Salvador while enrolled in the seminar and travel course “International Experience / Transnational Identity,” taught by Muriel Hasbun, with the collaboration of Susan Sterner. Students Kathleen Altemus, Julie Carrasco, Nick Kirkpatrick, Erika Nizborski, Jenny Yang and Michelle Yo learned about the history and culture of the smallest Central American country and its transnational community in the Washington, D.C. area while exploring contemporary issues of migration, diaspora and cultural identity. The photographs of Currency / Exchange speak to the experience of translating a culture and attest to the currency of images in the making of a cultural landscape.


I was in El Salvador in January of 2009. It feels so long ago now, but we've saved our show to coincide with Fotoweek D.C.
I'd be thrilled if you decided to join me at the closing reception - free to the public.

suchitoto besos.

1 comment:

Muriel said...

Love this photo Michelle!!