Tuesday, April 21, 2009

come take my pulse

-- the pace is on a runaway train.

the color processor has been closed // out of chemistry // being a jerk for 3 weekends now.
i have two shows i need to print on that dying machine.
one of which critiques today.
meaning i've had to hang work prints and alternates.

bahh.. such is the consequence of choosing color film.

susan called me the last of a dying dinosaur breed making c-prints.


a happy, happy dinosaur.. living in a land where butterflies abound
food grows to the height of my mouth
and perspective is optional.


two openings.

Thursday, April 23rd 2009 6p.m.
White Walls Gallery
Corcoran College of Art + Design

[The New Color]
Friday, May 8th 2009
87 Florida, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
Curated by Jayme A. McLellan of Civilian Arts Projects
(more info to come on this one)



jko said...

hahahahahaha! i like the O in october too

'rattle my bones'

mYo said...

yeah.. pumpkin O

details make things special.

hello jko.

jenny. said...

i remember that brontosaurus, i love him!

jenny. said...

excuse me, HER. she is the michellosaurus after all!

Evan said...

You'd make a pretty cool Dinosaur.

anialexanian said...

oh man! i keep forgetting. i need to take some pictures of the stuff in my time capsule.